Getting To Know Your Neighbour

At Lake Treeby, we’re making real efforts to help our community get to know one another.  We want to build a genuine community, where people know their neighbours, say hello in the street and look out for each other.

Get To Know Your Neighbour Initiative

Getting to know your neighbour is one of the most important aspects in developing a community spirit that makes residents feel safe, welcome and at home in their environment.

When you buy land at Lake Treeby, we ask you if you’re happy to share contact details with your immediate neighbours. This not only helps you meet your new neighbour, it also makes it easier to discuss practical things, like fencing and construction.

We also ask you whether you’re happy for us to send you information about community events and activities.

If you’ve bought at Lake Treeby already and want to get to know your neighbour, you can complete our buyer’s consent form here.

Community Development Plan

We’ve already appointed a team to work on our Community Development Plan.  Their goal is to develop events, activities and initiatives that help our Lake Treeby community bond and get to know each other.

To develop this plan, we’ll be talking to some of our new buyers about what they’d like to see at Lake Treeby, as well as reviewing what gaps exist in the local area and what new ideas from other areas come from our community development experts.

A Neighbourly Design

We’ve designed our streets and parks to be conducive to getting people out in their environment, which is one of the best ways to get to know your neighbours.  At all stages, we’ve looked at the latest thinking in great urban design to ensure that Lake Treeby will be a friendly, welcoming community.

Community Tree

Soon we’ll reveal our plans for the Lake Treeby Community Tree, a key icon near the lake that will literally grow with the community.

Each resident receives a small leaf on when they first sign up to purchase land. Then, on settlement, a larger leaf is sent to be etched with the family name or chosen message. This leaf will be fixed on to the Community Tree. The tree will be ever evolving and growing, with more limbs and leaves  added as the community grows.

Parent’s Corner

Right near the play area near the lake, we’re building a quiet corner, specifically designed to encourage new parents to meet other parents whilst getting out into the environment. This space will be a relaxing place to go and sit, with elements of interests for babies and toddlers, and a place to meet neighbours with similar age children.

Keep Informed

Keep informed with our email updates and we’ll let you know how each of these initiatives is progressing and when it will be finished.



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